Your smoke detectors may be too sensitive or not sensitive enough. Without complete and required scheduled sensitivity testing, there’s no way to determine whether or not your smoke detectors are functioning within the manufacturer’s recommended ranges and protecting your facility and occupants as intended.
As with any electronic system, but more specifically a fire alarm system, the system components can degrade over time. Dust particles, dirt, and other airborne contaminants are often the reason for a smoke detector to be too sensitive or not sensitive enough and both of these conditions can be trouble. In the event of an emergency, if your smoke detector is not 100%, you have most likely lost a key component in your first line of fire and life safety defense.
Summit Fire Protection recommends an ongoing maintenance plan that will assure your system is doing precisely what it is intended to do…save lives in the event of an emergency.
False Alarms vs. Nuisance Alarms
A well-maintained smoke detection system will reduce the possibility of false alarms, but remember—when a smoke detector alerts—it’s alarming for a reason whether it is a false alarm or not.
Within the life safety world, there is no such thing as a false alarm; rather, a nuisance alarm. Nuisance alarms are commonly associated with smoke detection. A proper maintenance plan will reduce the frequency of nuisance alarms and can save a company’s productivity and employee time in the event of an unnecessary building evacuation as well as costly and unbudgeted emergency repairs. Scheduled maintenance can also extend the life of the system and comply with fire codes enforced by the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).
Sensitivity Tests
Per NFPA 72, smoke detectors must be checked within one year after installation, then every alternate year thereafter.
If the first two tests demonstrate the smoke detector is performing in the recommended range of sensitivity, the period between smoke detector sensitivity tests can be extended up to five years.
For sensitivity tests, any of the following tests may be performed to ensure that each detector is within its listed and marked sensitivity range using:
- A recognized, calibrated test method with smoke or listed aerosol
- The detector manufacturer’s calibrated sensitivity test instrument
- Listed control equipment (fire alarm control panels) that are arranged to perform sensitivity ranges
- A combination smoke detector/control unit where the detector causes a signal at the control panel unit when its sensitivity is outside its listed sensitivity ranges
Sensitivity Tests vs. Performance Tests
For the sensitivity tests, it is not required that smoke or aerosol be introduced into the detector. However, when conducting a performance test—to ensure that the detector senses smoke and generates an alarm—smoke or listed aerosol must enter the detection chamber. Performance tests and sensitivity tests are intended to achieve different results: the first is to ensure the device works, the second is to verify it remains within its listed range. For additional information, refer to NFPA 72, Chapter 14.
What To Do in the Event of a Failed Sensitivity Test
During the sensitivity testing, if the smoke detector fails, it is required to be either cleaned and recalibrated or replaced. This process includes the cleaning of the smoke detector screen and chamber using a non-electrostatic vacuum, specifically designed to prevent damage to the smoke detector. The smoke detector will then be retested and should the device fail again, a replacement will be recommended in the inspection report.
Contact a Fire Expert
If you find yourself uncertain about the most effective method for testing your smoke detectors, contact an expert at Summit Fire Protection. Our technicians are highly trained in all aspects of fire and life safety and are dedicated to ensuring your safety and peace of mind.